Ambition was never the problem.
Ryan Tolkin, the CEO of Schonfeld Strategic Advisors, told Business Insider in 2019 that he believed his firm could be the world’s premier equities investor.
At the time, the hedge fund was ascendant and ready to break into the ranks of the industry’s biggest players, including Citadel, Millennium Management, and Point72 Asset Management. The scrappy startup that went from a family office to a sprawling multi-manager platform aggressively recruited and raised large sums to poach talent from bigger rivals. A pitch deck of its equities fund boasted of the number of investors it had with past stints at firms including Citadel and Millennium.
Then came 2023, and with it, higher interest rates, poor relative performance, and ever-expanding costs. Schonfeld faced heavy redemptions and a possible takeover from Millennium until it secured $3 billion in verbal commitments from institutions and sovereign wealth funds. After a 15% head count reduction, the firm is a cautionary tale for any founder who believes in growth at all costs.
The hedge-fund industry, though, is nothing if not aspirational. Five years before Schonfeld’s reductions, Balyasny Asset Management had to undergo a similar restructuring — but it has emerged stronger by all accounts. It is now often mentioned in the same breath as firms run by Steve Cohen, Ken Griffin, and Izzy Englander.
Hedge-fund investors, Schonfeld’s relative struggles withstanding, are hungrier than ever for multi-manager funds. These firms operate more like funds-of-funds than singular investment pools, with the biggest having dozens of teams trading every asset class possible worldwide.
This management style is increasingly interesting for large institutions thanks to their strict risk-management controls and steady return streams. A Barclays note from earlier this year found that multi-manager funds averaged annual returns of 8.3% over the last five years, compared to the overall industry average of 5.5%. The S&P averaged more than 9% a year over the same period.
With many of the biggest funds closed to new capital, middle-of-the-pack firms can grow.
“That capital has to go somewhere,” Aaron Steinberg, the global head of alternatives investor services at BNY Mellon, said.
“When you get the opportunity to grow, how do you do it in a way that is still at the core of the way you were originally successful? It’s a question asked throughout hedge funds, finance, and all industries.”
There’s no shortage of managers jostling to break into the industry’s upper crust or to solidify their standing with a couple billion more assets. Verition hasn’t been shy about its expansion, picking up talented portfolio managers and Manhattan office space. Bobby Jain, Todd Barker, and Kurt Baker are each raising billions for their new funds. Business Insider spoke to sources at midsize firms Walleye Capital, Eisler Capital, and Boothbay Fund Management about how they are carving out their own paths.
Eisler isn’t changing for anyone
At the London-based Eisler Capital, the multi-manager wants to build a collaborative platform instead of a siloed, team-versus-team structure, according to Chris Milner, the firm’s COO.
He said the firm started the year with about 200 people and will most likely end the year with around 280 to 290. Eisler has $4 billion in assets, which 60 pods of investors run — up from 40 at the start of the year.
Milner said the key to recruiting has been transparency about the firm’s culture. Eisler isn’t going to change its culture for an outside hire to fit; as a result, close to 90% of people who get a job offer accept it.
“People genuinely want the hands-on mentorship, guidance, sounding board, etc., that come from our leadership,” he said. Ed Eisler, a 20-year Goldman Sachs veteran, founded the firm in 2015 and expanded it to New York in 2021.
Milner views growth in this industry as a three-legged stool — the legs being capital, talent, and infrastructure. “You can’t let anyone run too far ahead of the others,” he said.
“What we don’t want to do is grow for growth’s sake. Against that, though, we are an ambitious organization,” Milner, whose firm has made 11% annually after returning 15% in 2022, said. The firm’s fundraising efforts over the past few years have matched this ambition: Eisler raised more than $2 billion in assets for its multi-strategy fund in 2022.
“We’ve got a lot of support from our capital partners and the Street right now and don’t feel constrained.”
In search of big-city talent
Minnesota-based Walleye wants to shed its Midwestern label. In an update to investors this quarter, the $5 billion firm made its ambitions clear: Walleye wants to be the best midsize multi-strategy platform out there.
By keeping the capital it manages somewhat capped, Walleye can put more of its risk into its bread-and-butter volatility-and-quant strategies, a source close to the firm said. Now at 300 employees, its head count could eventually balloon to 500.
To bring in those people, though, Walleye needs to move away from its roots. It started as a volatility-and-options market maker but is now a full-on multi-strategy hedge fund. Its largest office space is in New York, and outposts in London and Dubai are far from the floor-hockey rink at its suburban-Minnesota birthplace. There’s a finite talent pool, and Walleye needs to be in the markets where these people are, a source close to the firm told BI.
The growing pain Walleye and others in similar straits must avoid is fundraising, then adding talent to invest the funds.
“You don’t want to be in the situation where you have to accept people who don’t meet the standard just because there’s undeployed capital. You find talented people first, then money for them to put to work,” the source said.
Don’t try to beat Millennium at its own game
The decision-makers at Boothbay, the $2 billion firm Ari Glass runs, know it can’t recruit from the same pool of talent as the industry’s biggest players.
The firm instead focuses on areas where its smaller size can help its limited-partner, or LP, investors.
Capacity-constrained strategies that make consistent returns — but can’t handle enough capital to make it worth the biggest pod shops’ while — are a regular feature at Boothbay. The firm’s open architecture also doesn’t require external managers to be in exclusive relationships like larger players do, allowing the firm to be more flexible. Its first-loss platform — which protects LPs from trading losses by pulling the first drawdowns from the portfolio manager’s pocket — is a well-known differentiator.
The firm — which has been closed to new capital twice before — is raising capital again thanks in part to European opportunities, a source close to the firm told BI. Boothbay plans to open a new office in London in the new year.
The firm is focused on growing its opportunity sets horizontally rather than vertically and being mindful of not adding capital it can’t deploy in its style, the source close to the firm said.
“It’s always important to match the capital base to the opportunity set,” they said.
A ticking time bomb?
The seemingly unstoppable march of multi-strategy funds has plenty of people in the industry flashing warning signs. A deep dive by Bloomberg into the biggest funds’ holdings showed there’s plenty of overlap — juiced with leverage — between them. An oft-cited Goldman Sachs report notes that multi-strategy platforms have 9% of industry assets but 27% of the industry’s exposure to stocks — up from 14% in 2014.
“We don’t know the risk because multi-strats have never been this big,” Jon Caplis, the CEO and founder of the industry-data tracker PivotalPath, said.
It’s been a boon for headhunters, but the more realistic among them know the talent pool is limited — and has created a bubble of sorts, according to Englander.
“There are more people getting PM seats than ever before. It’s not always a good thing,” one longtime industry recruiter said. They said some rise to the occasion, but “there’s going to be a fair amount of crashing and burning.”
But there might not be much choice for the firms squarely in the middle. In many ways, this subsector of hedge funds is similar to any other industry where the biggest eventually squeeze out the middle class and grow ever more powerful. A recent Barclays report said most market-beating returns come from the biggest funds. Skyrocketing costs for everything from talent to tech make fundraising a must.
“It’s near impossible to stand still,” one allocator, who’s an investor in some of the mid-tier firms, said. “They need to ride this train as long as they can.”
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