Mr Hegseth, I do not believe that you are qualified to meet the overwhelming demands of this job. We must acknowledge the concerning public reports against you. A variety of sources, including your own writings, implicate you with disregarding the laws of war, financial mismanagement, racist and sexist remarks about men and women in uniform, alcohol abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment and other troubling issues. I have reviewed many of these allegations and find them extremely alarming. Indeed, the totality of your own writings and alleged conduct would disqualify any service member from holding any leadership position in the military, much less being confirmed as the secretary of defense. I’m also concerned about your abilities as a competent manager of organizations far less complex than the Department of Defense. From 2008 to 2010, you led the organization Veterans for Freedom. An independent forensic accountant, reviewed the organization’s finances and discovered evidence of gross financial mismanagement. A Republican adviser to you during your tenure at the organization who read the report, stated, and I quote, “I watched him run an organization very poorly, lose the confidence of donors. The organization ultimately folded and was forced to merge with another organization who individuals felt could run and manage funds on behalf of donors more responsibly than he could. I don’t know how he’s going to run an organization with an $857 billion budget. And three million individuals.” Mr. Hegseth, If confirmed as secretary of defense, you would lead an organization that the country it represents, is composed of Democrats and Republicans. Yet your language suggests that you regard many of these men and women as foes. And I would ask you to explain why service members and civilians who do not share your political opinions can trust that they will not be targeted during your tenure? Indeed, the challenge of the secretary of defense is to remove partisan politics from the military. You propose to inject it.
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